Concrete Connections 120mm

Schöck Isokorb® K XT provides optimum thermal and impact sound insulation for balcony connections. Comfortably meeting increased thermal and sound insulation requirements. Balcony connections with the Isokorb® XT have even been certified as a “low thermal bridge construction” by the Passive House Institute in Darmstadt. This now makes it possible for cantilevered balconies to be built in passive houses.

The Schöck Isokorb® type KXT with HTE module and an insulation thickness of 120mm is a load-bearing thermal and impact sound insulating element for free cantilevered balconies made of reinforced concrete.

The HTE module is a pressure bearing block made of steel fibre reinforced ultra high-performance concrete with Kronolith, a titanium ore aggregate from Kronos Titan